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How to add new fields(textbox,radiobutton,checkbox etc) in events plugins | Forum

rocks worldssss
rocks worldssss Dec 21 '12

i have write this code in base.php

$Categories = array( '1' => 'Education',
'2' => 'Organisation',
'3' => 'Company'
$fieldChoose = new RadioField('to');
  foreach ( $Categories as $cat => $label )
$fieldChoose->addOption($cat, $label);
$fieldChoose->setLabel($language->text('event', 'add_form_to_label'));

and in base_add.html

<tr class="ow_alt2">
<td class="ow_label">{label name='to'}</td>
<td class="ow_value">{input name='to'} <br /> {error name='to'}</td>
<td class="ow_desc ow_small">{text key='event+add_form_to_label'}</td>

but it dont shoe any output...somebody please help me for this 

DavidZenry Apr 1 '13
Yikes! I need to do the same kind of thing. Why is it so complicated..???. and when you ask for help you get an unhelpful reply.
Sumaiya V
Sumaiya V Mar 3 '17

Have you guys got any success in above implementation ? 

I want add field to Event Plugins. Please advise.

Sumaiya V
Sumaiya V Mar 3 '17
hey,  issue  was due to cache templates in template_c.  Clearing Cache display the newly added field.

Hope this helps someone. 