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Admin Panel All Messed Up | Forum

Ronald Roberts
Ronald Roberts Dec 21 '12

After trying to add my own theme my admin panel is no longer formatted correctly. I have deleted my theme and re uploaded the theme I was using. When I go to choose a new theme no images appear. I have not upgraded to 1.5 yet.

See Images below

How can I fix this?

Ronald Roberts
Ronald Roberts Dec 21 '12
Errors after sign in USER SIDE

This goes away after I clack on Main link

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Why can not you restore to default theme and then come one by one..
Ronald Roberts
Ronald Roberts Dec 21 '12
how do I do a restore
Ronald Roberts
Ronald Roberts Dec 21 '12
Hosting company dose backups every night I asked them to restore it to last backup. This worked. thankyou

Michael I.
Michael I. Dec 24 '12
Ronald, did you resolve the problem? Are you using Oxwall 1.5 now?
Ronald Roberts
Ronald Roberts Dec 24 '12
The problem was fixed but not resolved. I still cant use my theme.

Alia Team
Alia Dec 27 '12
Ronald, was it a theme you got from the Store ? If yes, then can you let us know what theme it was?
Or it was the theme you developed yourself?

Ronald Roberts
Ronald Roberts Dec 27 '12
Yes I just wanted to ad content to the dndindex.html and the general.html see attached.
  dndindex.txt (8.79Kb)
  general.txt (9.06Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Dec 27 '12
Ronald, Oxwall is not responsible for the custom code modifications. Unfortunately I can't help you to fix them.