when member join site by facebook account the imported Avatar size is small and shows very small on profile page How correct this size then it shows full size on profile page.see My profile on this site I joined this site by facebook aacount and my profile avatar is very small
I think its not problem with facebook because when we joined another platform site by facebook account for example http://www.marathijagat.in/ It is Joomla! 1.5 platform It shows full avatar size So check our plugin
Facebook provide 2 types of avatar:
- original
- cropped avatar
Oxwall takes cropped avatar, cos user can upload a big photo and crop his person as he wants. If oxwall will take none cropped avatar, it can be confused for a lot of users. We think so :)
For taking original avatar in which file of plugin i make changes then my sites members join site by facebook account shows full size
Also i have another question How to change Avatar size in Avatar widget in sidebar
we do not provide instructions on custom code modifications, create a post in the custom code modification section, probably some community member will assist you with that.