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Paintball Mask | Disscussion | Forum

Humaiyo Akhtar
Humaiyo Akhtar Dec 21 '22
Evs is the mask that cursed us to wear chin straps due to Resar...And he didn't take a paintball to the eye it was the back of his marker that mashed into his face after the other players barrel dug in his mask(empire evs)plopping it off instantly then finishing the collision with the other player his marker came back on his face and he keeps up with the being a victim of a paintball to the eye ball or whatever "1/2 an inch from his eye" and almost a blind person b**** made garbage. Should've been a man about it and told the truth too but that's just the times were in I guess
The Forum post is edited by Humaiyo Akhtar Dec 23 '22