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Business development - what tips do you have? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Kaka Dec 27 '22
Where do you look for information about technological news? About valuable mobile applications?
Dasik Dec 28 '22
Are you looking for interesting articles? Do you like learning about technological news? ? Read the article on the website https://www.elpassion.com/blog/react-native-how-to-deploy-application-to-test-and-not-go-crazy - implementing React Native applications for testing. Thanks to appropriate modern solutions, you can achieve the best results and develop effectively.
elenapatrick Dec 29 '22
A subscription-based program called Shopify enables users to build an online store where they can sell, ship, and manage their products. It uses a monthly subscription business model. The Shopify App Store and APIs make it simple to build a custom website and customize it from the ground up. Today, make your first sale. Yes, it happens that fast. The day after you sign up, Shopify provides you with everything you need to start accepting orders.
Rikki Smith
Rikki Smith Dec 29 '22
I believe that for a successful business it is important that there is no substance abuse. I recently came across this article https://liedetectortest.com/polygraph-services-for-uncovering-substance-abuse-in-the-workplace/ and learned quite a bit of information about uncovering substance abuse in the workplace. I think if you have your own business, it's very important to make sure that there is no substance abuse in the workplace.