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Why Sage 300 Customers are Heading for the Clouds? | Forum

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Peter Groft
Peter Groft Jan 3 '23

Let’s take a look at some common reasons customers choose hosting.

Outsource the Technical Cost and Headache

This is probably the number one benefit for most, particularly for small businesses with limited technical expertise in-house (or none at all).

With Sage 300 Hosting, someone else is responsible for managing the technical infrastructure like servers, databases, and networks. All the IT headaches, troubleshooting, server maintenance, and system upgrades are no longer your responsibility or burden. All you need to worry about is leveraging the features of Sage 300 to run your business efficiently.

Not only do you eliminate the cost of servers, databases, and other technology infrastructure needed to run your Sage 300 software, you also reduce (or eliminate) the cost of paying full or part-time IT staff to support and maintain it all.

Hosting Technology is Faster and More Reliable

Companies that provide ERP hosting are typically running super fast servers on world-class technology that many small and mid-sized businesses don’t have the expertise or budget to implement in-house.

Most hosting companies also maintain redundant systems so that if the server running your Sage 300 system goes down for any reason, it’s automatically picked up by another server within seconds and you probably wouldn’t even notice.

It all means that you’re running on technology that’s much faster than you’d typically purchase for in-house use, and it’s up and running at a near 100% reliability rate without any disruption to your business. There are a lot of companies running their software on-premises that don’t experience that same reliability and have to take their systems offline to troubleshoot more often than they’d like.

Easy Mobile Access

Another benefit that companies tend to enjoy after moving their Sage 300 software to the cloud is the ease of access to the system. You can be in the office, on the road, or at home using any laptop, PC, mobile device, or tablet and log right onto Sage 300 using an internet browser and secure login. You’re no longer tethered to your desk or have to go through complicated remote access routines.

To know more about Sage 100 Cloud Based or Sage 500 Cloud Hosting visit Apps4rent