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Why aren't there more themes available? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
John Feb 25 '11
Why are there still only 2 themes available for this software? I thought after all this time, more would have been added.

Most of us have no idea how to make themes. More themes available would be a great help!
Jordan Shaw
Jordan Shaw Feb 27 '11
http://www.oxwall.org/roadmap < Find out what's coming up for Oxwall in the future. 2 more themes in development at the moment. "Rainy" & "Club". You just need to be a little patient seeing as people would be wanting loads done.

Themes maybe needed, but it's not a big issue at the moment. I suspect more people to be wanting content and stuff on their website's than more themes. But they will come. There will be a time when more people request for themes.
The Forum post is edited by Jordan Shaw Feb 27 '11