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Photo Error... | Forum

Dave Dec 27 '12
Every time I try to access the photo plugin either from the main menu or the admin setting menu I get the same "error 500"

 /public_html/ow_plugins/photo/views/controllers/admin_index.html" on line 34 "<tr class="ow_alt{cycle values=1,2}">" - Unexpected ",", expected one of: "}" , " " , ATTR

I have tried to look for this line of code in the admin_index.html file and cannot find it...  

Has anyone come across this before, does anyone know hoe to fix it... 

Thanks in advance


Ronald Roberts
Ronald Roberts Dec 27 '12
I have tried looking for a few things myself and cant find the files. This is likely due to the programming and the files are not actually in that location. 
Valerie Jan 2 '13

Hello, I was facing the same problem, a temporary fix is to remove the part of code that says:

class="ow_alt{cycle values=1,2}"

on lines 34, 39, 46, 59

Looks like an issue on the template file.

Purusothaman Ramanujam
I personally do not face any such issues in my installations. May be you could try uploading the latest plugin version.
Valerie Jan 2 '13
By the way, looks like all the template code is full of errors, I got another one when I try to add a new blog post:

Syntax Error in template "/home/valeria/public_html/datingdemo.tk/ow_plugins/blogs/views/controllers/view_index.html" on line 40 "<a href="{$adjasentUrl.prev}">{text key="blogs+prev_post}</a> <span class="ow_ic_left_arrow" style="background-repeat: no-repeat;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>" - Unexpected "ow_ic_left_arrow", expected one of: "}" , " " , ATTR

This is a clean installation from yesterday...

Maybe and text encoding issue?

The Forum post is edited by Valerie Jan 2 '13
cit27 Jan 2 '13

Quote from Valerie looks like all the template code is full of errors,

try to change the theme to be sure if the error comes from the theme..

Quote from Valerie I personally do not face any such issues in my installations.

me too..I did not find any problems in the photo plugin installation / update

Valerie Jan 2 '13
I think the problem is I used "Installatron" to install the script, now I'm making a clean manual install to see if the problem solves...
cit27 Jan 2 '13
hope u will be succes..Valerie..
Purusothaman Ramanujam
A clean install should make it work. I never believe in automatic installation than the manual one. Humans are still better than machines(if some cases) :)
Alia Team
Alia Jan 2 '13
Valerie are  you still facing the same issue?
Valerie Jan 4 '13
Hello, the issue is solved, I did a clean manual install and now everything seems to work rigth, thank you.

The only thing is I had to put the index.php chmod to 744 instead of 644 for the server (hostgator) be able to use modrewrite correctly on it.