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Roadmap | Forum

Roshan Choudhary
Roshan Choudhary Dec 29 '12
when change Roadmap of oxwall ?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Me too waiting for that to be updated. Checking the page daily and often.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
We have now 1.5.1 after 1.5.0. Good work on the new theme. Liked the look.

So, where is the roadmap now, after a month of 1.5 release? :) Saw mobile app over there.
Den Team
Den Jan 17 '13
Hey guys,

After the huge update we need some time to re-organize our resources and define the next challenges. The roadmap will be updated soon :)

Alex Philipp
Alex Philipp Jan 17 '13
2 Den: Please, try to put embed code for video by special button and push POST>>> This bug should be on your roadmap list
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jan 17 '13
MOBILE VERSION !! This concludes you long awaited roadmap update.  

(Im pretty sure the community has spoken out on what our next challenge should be.) 

The Forum post is edited by Oxwall Accessories Jan 17 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Very excited looking for the roadmap to be updated.
Purusothaman Ramanujam

We are crossing our fingers to see the roadmap.
Den Team
Den Feb 20 '13
It has been updated for the upcoming development cycle. Check it http://www.oxwall.org/roadmap
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Thanks for this.
samuel jackson
samuel jackson Feb 21 '13
and what is now with Mobile site???

i see this is is in coming soon....

we wait really long time for this :(
Bobby Feb 21 '13
I'm just posting to say thank you for the road map. Good information and good work!

I'm not going to ruin my thank you by mentioning how much I really want games and smilies and an edit function for newsfeed posts.

Go, Oxwall! Excellent software!