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How to Fix QuickBooks Error 30159? [Easy Resolutions] | Forum

Joey Williams
Joey Williams Feb 21 '23

The QuickBooks error 30159 occurs for a number of reasons which include a corrupted paysub.ini file, out-to-date subscription of QuickBooks payroll, including other factors. This blog shall uncover all the details for fixing this annoying error in QuickBooks payroll. So, stay glued till the end of this blog.

What causes QuickBooks Error 30159?

These are the possible causes behind to the QuickBooks payroll error 30159.

QuickBooks payroll subscription may have expired.

The QuickBooks Payroll initialization file namely ‘paysub.ini’ might be damaged.

Another possible reason of this issue is some virus intrusion.


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Peter Groft
Peter Groft Jan 10 '24

Update Payroll Subscription: If your subscription is inactive, renew it within QuickBooks or contact Intuit.

Correct EIN: Double-check and update the EIN in your company file's Payroll and Employees settings.

Update QuickBooks and Tax Tables: Download and install the latest updates for both QuickBooks and your payroll tax tables.

Run QuickBooks File Doctor: This tool can diagnose and repair data inconsistencies within your company file.

Check Network Connection (Multi-user): Ensure your computer is connected to the network and can access the company file without issues.

Restart QuickBooks and Your Computer: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary glitches.

Reinstall QuickBooks (Last Resort): If none of the above steps work, consider uninstalling and reinstalling QuickBooks as a last resort.


Alex Jones
Alex Jones Oct 9 '24
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