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macabre theme customization | Forum

Jeux Dec 30 '12

hello everyone,

today I customize the theme "macabre" and I wanted to have your opinions and comments on my implementation.

If you want I can do the same with your images.

my url : http://paplailly.kappatau.eu/

  Capture d’écran 2012-12-30 à 17.49.26.png (1577.13Kb)
Bazzabingbong Dec 30 '12
wow you got some amount of Bot's joined your site mate, however good customization well done, did find it a bit slow to load though.
Jeux Dec 30 '12

images are actually long to load because I put the png and given the speed of the server, it does not improve things.

about bots use, how to stop disaster?

thank you to you

Bazzabingbong Dec 30 '12
there's a plugin that works well in the store and stops them i use it on my site http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/333

great plugin defo reccomended

Jeux Dec 30 '12

thank you, I forgot to install it.

the fact how do I put a theme on oxwallstore I try but I can not. especially the change of information topics.