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Bandung, Indonesia - Shopping and Volcanoes, Really! | Forum

metro Mar 9 '23

Background Information

Bandung, the old administrative capital of Dutch colonial rule, is an incredible settlement set in the hills of Indonesia. Now known as the Jakarta elite's weekend playground, Bandung is host to a dizzying amount of factory outlet stores and so-called 'richman bungalows.' However, the imposing figure of Tangkuban Perahu, an active volcano about 1.5hr from the city centre, reminds the traveler that nature is never far in Bandung and indeed, there is a deluge of stuff to do in Bandung, both in terms of shopping and eco-tourism.

Most of Bandung's population are of Sundanese descent, and hence they speak Sundanese, a variant of the official Bahasa Indonesia. There are a large majority of Muslims in Bandung. However, other major religious groups include Christianity, followed by Hinduism and Buddhism. There are many mosques and cathedrals of heritage that can be seen all around Bandung.


Hotels are plentiful in Bandung but take note that accommodation prices are noticeably higher than in locations such as Bali or Lombok. We recommend Patradisa Budget Hotel at Jalan Wastu Kencana as we feel it is value for money and the rooms are decently furnished and clean. Breakfast is included and best of all, the hotel is within walking distance of Bandung's major malls and factory outlets.

Things to do

* Shopping

Bandung is definitely a place for all the toko hio out there. There are many high quality fake items.Original goods are available in limited supply. Clothing, handbags, traditional handicrafts are all available in Bandung. Local shopping hotspots include Jalan Riau, Dago Street and Jalan Otto, where Pasar Baru, the 7-storied market and handicraft mega-store is located. You may have to take up to 2-3 days to fully explore and visit all the factory outlets in Bandung.

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