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Date of birth search issue | Forum

Joseph Jan 2 '13
Date of birth does not search correctly when you look up a age it shows the age below for example if I search only 18 year old people it only shows me 17 year old people I tried it on several oxwall sites it seems it shows a number age for the search option but it only looks up a corresponding year and does not do a actual calculation of age based on month/day/year I have only checked 1.5 I have not tested older versions for the bug
Alia Team
Alia Jan 3 '13
Joseph, can you give exact scenario of how we can reproduce this.
1. I go to "search members" form.
2. What should I enter into the "Birthday from" and "Birthday to" fields?
3. What birth dates should I specify when I register test account.

Thank you.
Joseph Jan 3 '13
to recreate the issue is simple go on any oxwall site and search for members of 1 age range (this is the easiest way to spot the issue) so for example sign up and set you date of birth for a date that has not come this year for example june 13th 1984 the member will be turning 29 this year 2013 however the oxwall site will already have the member listed when you search 29-29 in the age range and the member will not show up if you search for people age 28 although this user will in fact be 28 until june 13th of this year