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Can't Edit Pages | Forum

Desirae R
Desirae R Jan 3 '13
I have added a few (or more) additional pages since I am using a drop down menu plug-in. However some of them I am no longer able to see the edit button when I hover it in the pages in the admin area.

It is a problem for the pages that overlap other areas of the site. Here is a image of the ones I can not edit http://i1250.photobucket.com/...ages_zps4efa582f.png

Is there any way to fix this? Or even go in manually and edit my pages. I can't seem to located them in the files.

Desirae R
Desirae R Jan 7 '13
No one can help?
matt Jan 7 '13
which plugin are you using?
Desirae R
Desirae R Jan 8 '13
Menu Pro
matt Jan 9 '13
It looks like your using the old version, Try updating the plugin, that might help. The layout of the admin page, has at least one problem, which has been reported already. But I think if you update the plugin, you will get a different interface for its config.
Alia Team
Alia Jan 10 '13
Desirae,  regarding menus overlapping each other ( and as a result not having "edit" button), we are aware of this issue and are working on it.

Can you move your menus using drag & drop to other places to clear the space up so that "edit" button appears? Once you are done editing you can put them back to their original spots.

Desirae R
Desirae R Jan 12 '13
Aliia I am not able to select the ones that are overlapping at all. So no dragging and dropping. However, I am going to go update my plugin and see if that corrects the issue.
Desirae R
Desirae R Jan 12 '13
No luck with the updates.
Desirae R
Desirae R Jan 27 '13
I am still having this problem. Any solutions yet? Is it possible for me to access the html files to manually edit them.
cit27 Jan 27 '13
uninstall and install the menu pro plugin again
The Forum post is edited by cit27 Jan 28 '13
Desirae R
Desirae R Jan 28 '13
Uninstall the entire oxwall? I don't see how that will help since it was acknowledged as an known issue...
Alia Team
Alia Jan 29 '13

There are two options:

1. Shortening menu titles ( make them shorter so that they can fit and you are able to see "edit" and "delete" buttons).

Go to admin panel>>languages>>let's say your page is called "testerwerwrwrwerew", so you search by "test" keyword. Find needed phrase, and change the title to something shorter.

2. Deleting some menu titles.

If you are planning to create them again in future, before you follow further instructions, save the content of the pages somewhere. Note that once the page is deleted from the database, there is no way back, unless you have a back up ( it is good idea to make one before changing anything in the database as well).

1. Save the content of your pages somewhere.  And make a back up.
2. Go to your control panel>>PhpMyAdmin>>find the table called ow_base_menu_item.

3. Look at the "Key" column: most likely you page's key is something like "page_9962166'. Copy the key ( and save it in .docx document, you will need it later)

4. At this stage you have no idea which one of your pages have this key.
To check whether you will delete the correct page open following URL in your browser ( you will have to be loged in as admin): yoursitename.com/admin/dev-tools/languages.

On the opened page you will be able to search phrases by text-keys using "in keys" checkbox. Paste the key  you copied earlier , check "in keys" checkbox and click "search":

5. Within the search results you will be able to see which page has the ID you searched by. So let's say page_9962166 belongs to the page "Test1". And now we know this and can go back to the database table and delete this key.

6. Once the key is deleted from ow_base_menu_item table it will disappear from the menu both on front end and in admin panel. However content of this page will still be visible via the direct URL. So if your page used to have yoursitename.com/test/ URL, even though it was deleted from the menu, at this stage you can go directly to yoursitename.com/test/ and see the content of this page.

Go back to the .docx document where your key was saved, copy it again.

7. Go to the database and find following table ow_base_document . Find the row with the key you have copied and delete this row. This will delete the content of the page. Now the page was deleted completely.

8. Repeat same steps with needed pages until you are able to see "edit" and "delete" button in your admin panel.

Hope that this helps.

Desirae R
Desirae R Jan 29 '13
Hi Aliia

Thanks for your reply. I can't really delete any pages, however now I know where to find the files, so I can manage from there. Thanks.