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Drupal consultant | Forum

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sander Mar 27 '23

How can a Drupal consultant assist with website migrations or upgrades to the latest version of Drupal? What types of Drupal training and support can a consultant offer to businesses and their teams?

gerard Mar 27 '23
A Drupal consultants can assist with website migrations or upgrades to the latest version of Drupal by providing a thorough analysis of the website's current setup and identifying potential issues that may arise during the migration or upgrade process. They can also help develop a detailed plan for the migration or upgrade, and provide ongoing support throughout the process to ensure a smooth transition. In terms of Drupal training and support, a consultant can offer training sessions or workshops for businesses and their teams to learn how to use Drupal effectively, as well as ongoing support for troubleshooting and resolving any issues that may arise.
Gregory Mar 27 '23
Hiring a Drupal consultant can be highly beneficial for businesses looking to migrate or upgrade their website to the latest version of Drupal. A consultant can conduct a thorough analysis of the website's current setup, identify potential issues that may arise during the migration or upgrade process, and develop a detailed plan to ensure a smooth transition. By providing ongoing support throughout the process, a consultant can help ensure that the migration or upgrade is successful and minimize any downtime or disruptions to the website.