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NAEYC Life Insurance? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Martina Perez
Martina Perez Apr 12 '23
Has anyone joined NAEYC and then signed up for their free, term life insurance? It sounds legit, but these days, everything "free" on the internet that then wants you to give your SS# make me feel concerned.
Jeremy Blake
Jeremy Blake Apr 12 '23
These insurance plans are available exclusively to the members and staff of more than 60 professional associations that participate in the Trust for Insuring Educators, the second-largest consortium of educators in the U.S."
Killian Vambey
Killian Vambey Apr 12 '23
I get your concerns about giving out your personal information online, especially your SSN. However, I did some research on NAEYC and their free term life insurance offer and it seems to be a legit and reputable organization. They offer a lot of resources and support for educators and caregivers in the field of early childhood education.
Also, have you considered looking into health insurance options? Reverse Health offers affordable and customizable health insurance plans for individuals and families. It's always good to have some form of health coverage, just in case.
Sasha Oct 6 '23
That's wonderful, but can I get health insurance in Florida ? 
The Forum post is edited by Sasha Oct 6 '23
Ijana Oct 6 '23

Quote from Sasha That's wonderful, but can I get health insurance in Florida ? 
You can get insured with a new organisation completely free of charge, and in this day and age that's just amazing. Florida health insurance marketplace is not a for-profit organisation but a charitable organisation. I have been insured with them for over two years now and they have paid for my treatment three times, I am very satisfied.
Sasha Oct 6 '23

Quote from Ijana
Quote from Sasha That's wonderful, but can I get health insurance in Florida ? 
You can get insured with a new organisation completely free of charge, and in this day and age that's just amazing. Florida health insurance marketplace is not a for-profit organisation but a charitable organisation. I have been insured with them for over two years now and they have paid for my treatment three times, I am very satisfied.
Thank you very much, that's just what I needed .
macallister Dec 24 '23
I haven;t joined this insuance but i know someone who has. They went for life insurance for mortgage and their experience was seamless. You should ask for more opinions before finalizing anything though.
elizabeth Jan 25
Acquiring large group health insurance in Mobile is a strategic move for businesses prioritizing the health and well-being of their employees. Companies in Mobile often explore diverse health insurance options to provide comprehensive coverage for their workforce. The cost of large group health insurance in Mobile may vary based on factors such as company size, industry, and the specific health benefits included in the plan. Offering such insurance is essential for attracting and retaining top talent, ensuring access to crucial medical coverage, including doctor visits, hospital stays, and preventive care. Employers in Mobile may collaborate with insurance providers to tailor plans that address the unique needs of their workforce, fostering a healthy and supportive workplace environment conducive to employee well-being. mobile large group health insurance