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Show me your everyday necklace! | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Martina Perez
Martina Perez Apr 12 '23
I am hoping that this isn't a duplicate thread, but I was curious...

What necklace do you wear every day Why?

I am currently deciding how to set a small heirloom diamond I have after I ditched my Leen Heyne ring idea, and am curious to see what YOU wear! I am seeing  if Kataoka will set my heirloom stone as they seem finicky about custom projects.

Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 11.22.54 AM.png

The Forum post is edited by Martina Perez Apr 12 '23
Killian Vambey
Killian Vambey Apr 12 '23
A necklace with a center that is fixed to one place might drive you crazy.
Jeremy Blake
Jeremy Blake Apr 12 '23
Hey there! I'm new to this forum, but I couldn't resist commenting on this thread. Thanks to everyone who shared their everyday necklaces - I'm on the hunt for a new one and need some inspiration.
Recently, I've been getting into a bead for jewelry making. There's just something so satisfying about creating your own accessories. Plus, you can customize them to fit your personal style. I've been scouring the internet for natural gemstone beads and came across one website for it. They've got a ton of gorgeous options, so I'm definitely going to be placing an order soon.