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URL Mismatch google contact importer Ox 1.5 | Forum

Nuqooshe Jan 7 '13
I crated a google api and paste it in my plugin setting , but when i am trying to import my contacts to my site it is giving the url mismatch error (Se Screenshot). 

Rdirect Url at my API is https://social.bazmeurdu.net/oauth2callback

  Google-mismatch.jpg (17.71Kb)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
is it https or http?
tracy Jan 7 '13
sometimes it takes forever for the api to register across all the servers.....that's what sucks about it....

Alia Team
Alia Jan 11 '13
Nuqooshe, did you follow instructions given here : http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:contact-importer ?

+1 to Purusothaman's questions.
Nuqooshe Jan 11 '13
@Purusothaman Ramanujam i chcked it back and correctd it to http , still it doesn`t work ,

Yes @Aliia I did follow the instructions 

My sit URL is http://social.bazmeurdu.net/