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What resource provides information about devices? | Forum

AlanWeb Apr 18 '23
I fully support the idea that you should read the manuals and recommendations before buying a tablet. What resource provides information for those who want to buy a device that meets their needs? It is a big plus if you can find a lot of useful tips there to help you decide between iOS and Android, compare different models of tablets, and choose the most appropriate budget.
ron Apr 19 '23
Tabletgeeky.com is one of the best sources of information about tablets. I personally used this site when purchasing my tablet, and I can say that the guides posted on it were very helpful. For example, I found tips on screen size and processor selection there, which helped me choose the most appropriate model for my needs. I can recommend you read tablet buying guides on tabletgeeky.com. It's a great resource for anyone looking for a quality tablet.
Ted Apr 19 '23
This is a great resource to help you make the right choice when buying a tablet. I used this site when choosing my device and found a lot of useful information. But I would like to add that in addition to guides and recommendations, this resource also has many interesting articles and reviews about tablets.