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SMTP Settings | Forum

Bas Leijgraaff
Bas Leijgraaff Jan 8 '13

I will install my SMTP settings, but, its not working!
I try the Gmail settings. Can anybody help me? 

Alia Team
Alia Jan 9 '13
+1 Paul. Bas, how did you find out that SMTP "is not working"?

   - what kind of emails did you use to check whether settings applied successfully?
   - after setting up SMTP, did you test the connection, using the "Test SMTP connection" form in
     admin  panel>settings>main settings> "SMTP" tab ?  If yes, was is successful?

   - if you used gmail SMTP settings:
           1) make sure that you have used information from : http://support.google.com/...=en&answer=13287
           2) make sure that your gmail didn't block your site's attemtp to use your gmail. If an attempt 
                was blocked you usually get following email to your gmail:


                     Someone recently tried to use an application to sign in to your Google Account. We

                     prevented the sign-in attempt in case this was a hijacker trying to access your account.

                    Please review the details of the sign-in attempt...


                    If this was you, and you want to give this application access to your account, complete the

                   troubleshooting steps listed at http://support.google.com/mail?p=client_login

Alia Team
Alia Jan 9 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Bas Leijgraaff
Bas Leijgraaff Jan 11 '13
I see not a test button also i will test the SMTP?
Victor Watts
Victor Watts Jan 11 '13
I mentioned this on one of my support tickets and my host says something is wrong with the developer of the script.  Still can't send out invitations, no mail going out the only mail that goes out is when someone registers other than that there is no mail going out or in...
Alia Team
Alia Jan 18 '13

Bas, which version of Oxwall are you using?
"Test SMTP connection" form looks like this:

Alia Team
Alia Jan 18 '13
Victor, can you give the link to your topic/ticket ?
Bas Leijgraaff
Bas Leijgraaff Jan 18 '13
I has now the test connection. I has one question: How can i add a info@mywebsite.com email adress?