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invitations problems other languages | Forum

Francisco Jan 9 '13

if I have the site in English, no problem and work fine.
but if the site is in Spanish, in panel invitation, invitations are not displayed, showing "no items"

  invite_en.png (66.41Kb)
  invite_sp.png (59.03Kb)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Notifications will be sent only in the default language.


From the above post =>

It will be added in user’s current language and will not be translated after switching languages.
Francisco Jan 9 '13
but my default languages is spanish, and in spanish don´t work
Alia Team
Alia Jan 10 '13
Francisco, real time notifications should have been displayed in ES as well.
Most likely you are just missing translation of this notification's phrase in your languages ( you have it in English, but it is not translated to Spanish).