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Do you prefer a package tour or making your trip? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Dominique Nick
Dominique Nick May 11 '23
My friends and I are planning for a trip and are confused with what to opt for, to book a package tour for 15 days, or to plan and organize our trip. Just want to get an idea about what will be the convenient approach to enjoy the tour.
Janix May 11 '23
a package tour seems like a better idea!
Annabella May 11 '23
Hey there! I don't know about the specific price rise for Emirates and Qatar, but it's not uncommon for airlines to adjust their prices based on demand and other factors. That being said, it's always a good idea to research and compare prices from different airlines (like business class flights ) before making any decisions. Take your time booking if you're not ready or unsure about your travel plans.
The Forum post is edited by Annabella May 11 '23