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how to change the meta data to fit my own meta data? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
tracy Jan 11 '13
my meta keywords are still oxwall keywords, how do i change that?
ed claassen
ed claassen Jan 11 '13

look into admin,settings, language en search the word your looking for


tracy Jan 11 '13
thank you
Tester Jan 12 '13
@tracy: Where did you find Oxwall's meta tags?

I am not sure the tags are included in the Language section.

Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya Ghosh Jan 12 '13

If you want to change the default meta tags for your oxwall website:

Go to http://www.yourwebsite.com/admin/settings/page

And then in the "Custom Head Code", add your meta tags like "<meta name="description" content=your content", or add meta keywords, etc.

Tester Jan 12 '13
Thanks a lot, Nirmalya
Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya Ghosh Jan 12 '13
You are welcome
tracy Jan 13 '13
all you have to do is go to language section and type openwack into your search bar...then change all words in the little form to whatever you want.
Tester Jan 14 '13
I checked View Page Source. The meta tags that I have added at  http://www.yourwebsite.com/admin/settings/page are visible somewhere in the middle, but they have not replaced the Oxwall tags, which are still there atop the page.
tracy Jan 14 '13
change it in the "language" settings.....do like i said one post above yours...it's the only way it will work.....
tracy Jan 14 '13
page settings doesn't work for meta tags unless you are adding something that isn't already there.

Alia Team
Alia Jan 15 '13
>>>all you have to do is go to language section and type openwack into your search bar...then change all words in the little form to whatever you want.

Thank you Tracy for answering.
Text key  is : {textkey='nav+page_default_keywords'}
tracy Jan 15 '13
you are welcome aliia :)

Tester Jan 18 '13
Thanks Aliia for giving a precise answer.  Will try it.
Tester Jan 18 '13
Thanks, Tracy. I overlooked the word openwack. 
cit27 Jan 19 '13

Quote from Aliia >>>all you have to do is go to language section and type openwack into your search bar...then change all words in the little form to whatever you want.

Thank you Tracy for answering.
Text key  is : {textkey='nav+page_default_keywords'}
But Search Tool cant find the text key or the similar text key...
Alia Team
Alia Jan 23 '13
cit27, sorry I forgot to mention this =)

Use yoursitename.com/admin/dev-tools/languages  URL to be able to search by text keys ( note the /dev-tools/ part).

When you are searching use "page_default_keywords" phrase to search by.

Here is a screen shot of how this should look like:

cit27 Jan 23 '13

Quote from Aliia

Use yoursitename.com/admin/dev-tools/languages  URL to be able to search by text keys ( note the /dev-tools/ part).

This what i am looking for....
Thank You
Kirk Jan 27 '13
this did not work for me. I was not even able to change this where you said because it would just not save so went in the database and did it direct. Still oxwall keywords show up. There must be a file where these values have been added. Does anyone know this file.
cit27 Jan 27 '13
Kirk, what files you asking
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