I would like to use the oxwall user database for an external chatroom.
I know nothing about hashes.
I can access the user data base and can access the username and password but the password is hashed.
All I want to do is make a snippet of php to check the username and password and return true of false.
The snippet would be something like the one below.
I just want to know how I can hash my user submitted password in the same was as Oxwall did when it stores the passwords.
/* Check user details */
$passwordHash = sha1($_POST['password']);
$sql = 'SELECT username FROM user WHERE username = $username AND passwordHash = $passwordHash';
$result = $db->query($sql, array($_POST['username'], $passwordHash));
if ($result->numRows() < 1)
/* Access denied */
echo 'Sorry, your username or password was incorrect!';
/* Log user in */
printf('Welcome back %s!', $_POST['username']);