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Error 500 when I upgrade from 3 to 5 in Oxwall 1.5 - Admin Pal | Forum

Eugenie Jan 15 '13
I tried to upgrade this plugin after upgrading to Oxwall 1.5 and I got a 500 error.  I've not had this problem with other commercial plugins.

Could you please tell me what I might be doing wrong?



Purusothaman Ramanujam
May I know what issue you got? Tried enabling DEBUG mode in config.php file and tell me the error you get?

The plugin works with 1.5 and you should not get any errors if your upgrade went fine.
Eugenie Jan 15 '13

Thanks for your reply.  I found a way around it - uninstalling it and installing the new version rather than updating.

Thanks for your quick response


Purusothaman Ramanujam
Good to know that. Thanks for update.
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