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Fatal error after you released 1.5.1!!! | Forum

JB TECH Jan 16 '13
I haven't done anything with my site today! It was working fine earlier. And I come home now to see this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() in /home/dstar89/public_html/ow_includes/init.php on line 35

Why is this? Please help!

Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jan 17 '13
I have updated and recieved this error Class 'OW_Component' not found in /home/codewhac/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/profile_action_toolbar.php on line 31
JB TECH Jan 17 '13
My site somehow was fixed outta no where (must've been magic.) But, that looks bad Bob. Any support out there for this yet?
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jan 17 '13
Nope and there will not be for weeks or so going by history of using this forum. But maybe I will prove to be wrong, lol  How would it be if I use a different platform for code whacker and explain why I had to do so, lol

Never mind this is just a hobby, there are other things I can do.  

Alia Team
Alia Jan 18 '13
Bob, regarding your error we will need FTP access details to check the issue.
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jan 18 '13
I have actual thought it quicker to use the old database to re-configure a fresh install of Oxwall, as I really can not be bothered to pussy foot around. So far its looking good and I expect it will take only 12 hours work to get the site back on line fully functioning. But thanks for the offer of help. This whole process is actually interesting and my annoyance has lightened for sure.
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jan 20 '13
i have done a fresh install of Oxwall 1.5.1 and used the old data base transferring field by field to the new database and resurrected my site Code Whacker this saved me time in playing around with script. I will be shortly writing a report how this can be done shortly on my site. I just could not afford to wait as my site is pretty important to independent developers and newbies concerning Wall.fm and Oxwall. But thanks for your offer of help Aliia most appreciated.     
cit27 Jan 20 '13
Glad to hear it, I will be back to join in there
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jan 20 '13
thanks cit27
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jan 20 '13
you can log in as norm