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Unlocking the Power of Server-Side Rendering with Angular | Forum

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Jamie Pat
Jamie Pat Jun 15 '23

Server-side rendering (SSR) is an important aspect of web development that can significantly enhance the performance of your web applications. It refers to the process of rendering a web application on the server, rather than in the browser, which is what happens in client-side rendering (CSR). This blog post will explore server-side rendering in the context of Angular, a powerful JavaScript framework known for building dynamic, single-page web applications.

Angular Server Side Rendering (SSR) is made possible by Angular Universal, a technology designed specifically for this purpose. It is crucial to understand how SSR works within the context of Angular to leverage it effectively.

Introduction to Angular Universal:

Angular Universal is a pre-rendering solution for Angular applications. It runs your Angular application on the server and generates static application pages that later get bootstrapped on the client. This means the browser downloads minimal HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, leading to a faster display of your webpage.

How Angular Universal Works:

Angular Universal works by serving the first page of your application via the server instead of the browser. When a user requests your website, the server renders the page into HTML and sends it to the browser, which simply displays it. This is different from client-side rendering where the server sends an HTML file with a JavaScript file, and the browser uses JavaScript to render the page.

Once the first page is served and the JavaScript downloaded, Angular Universal "hydrates" the application, or bootstraps the Angular application, turning the static page into a dynamic one. At this point, the application becomes a standard Angular application running in the browser, with subsequent navigation happening on the client side.

Setting up Angular Universal:

Setting up Angular Universal involves several steps. First, you need to add the Angular Universal package to your project. If your application was built using Angular CLI, you can use the 'ng add' command to automatically add Angular Universal to your project. This command modifies your project files to add necessary dependencies and configurations.

After adding Angular Universal, you will notice a new 'app.server.module.ts' file, which is the entry point for the server-side version of your application. This file includes the ServerModule from @angular/platform-server.

You also need to set up a server to handle requests for your application. This server can be written in Node.js using Express, or in .NET using ASP.NET Core. Angular provides a basic Express server in the 'server.ts' file when you add Angular Universal to your project.

Finally, you will have to build your application for server-side rendering and start your server. The Angular CLI has commands for these actions, 'ng run [PROJECT_NAME]:server' and 'node dist/[PROJECT_NAME]/server/main.js', respectively.

The Benefits of Using Angular Universal for SSR:

The use of Angular Universal brings multiple benefits. It improves performance, particularly on mobile and low-powered devices, since much of the rendering work happens on the server rather than the client. It also improves SEO, as search engine crawlers can index server-rendered pages more easily. Furthermore, Angular Universal supports social media previews, as crawlers can see the server-rendered page meta tags.
Overall, Angular Universal provides an enhanced user experience. The user sees a fully rendered page sooner, and Angular's capabilities kick in after the initial page is displayed, leading to a faster, more responsive application.

Implementing server side rendering in Angular may seem complex initially, but with a clear understanding of the process and Angular Universal, you can harness its advantages effectively. It's about blending the best of server and client rendering to deliver fast, SEO-friendly, and robust applications.

Tips and Best Practices for Server-Side Rendering in Angular

Server Side Rendering Angular can significantly improve your application’s performance and enhance user experience. However, implementing SSR requires a careful approach. Below are some tips and best practices for effective SSR in Angular:

Mindful Use of Browser-Specific Objects
In a server-side rendering context, you should remember that objects like window, document, navigator, or location are not available because the server does not have a Document Object Model (DOM). Trying to reference these objects on the server-side can cause your application to break. To avoid this, you should ensure your code is platform-agnostic, and check whether these objects exist before you use them.

Use Angular's Platform-Agnostic APIs
To create platform-agnostic code, try to use Angular's platform-agnostic APIs as much as possible. For instance, you can use Renderer2 for manipulating the DOM, Location for URL handling, and HttpClient for server communication. They provide a level of abstraction that works on both browser and server.

Lazy Loading Modules
Lazy loading is a technique where you load application modules as needed, rather than loading all at once. This strategy can significantly enhance application performance. For SSR, it means quicker time-to-first-byte (TTFB), as the server needs to render less code on the first page load. Angular makes it easy to implement lazy loading with the Angular Router.

Optimize Server-Side Rendering Performance
Since the server-side rendered app needs to be built on every request, it can add extra load on your server. You should optimize your Node.js server and the way your Angular app is built and served. Techniques can include server caching of rendered pages, using a CDN for static assets, compression, and more.

Preboot Module for State Transfer
The Preboot module allows you to record events happening on the server-rendered app and replay them on the client-side app. This is useful for capturing state-changing user events that occur before Angular has fully loaded on the client side.

State Transfer API for API Calls
If your app makes API calls at startup, you can use the State Transfer API to perform them on the server-side, and transfer the result to the client-side. This means you only have to make the API call once, rather than once on the server and again on the client, improving performance.

Server-side rendering can introduce new issues into your application, especially if you're not mindful of the different environment on the server. Thorough testing is essential. Ensure you test your application in both server-rendered and client-rendered modes.

SEO Optimization
While SSR significantly improves SEO, further optimization is advisable. Use Angular’s Meta and Title services to adjust your meta tags and title tags for each route in your application.

Error Handling
Implement a robust error handling mechanism on the server-side. Unhandled errors can break your whole application and might expose sensitive data. Be sure to catch and handle errors, and consider a mechanism for logging them for later analysis.

Ensure that your server-side rendered application is secure. Sanitize any user-generated content, protect against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, and don’t expose sensitive information in your server-rendered pages.

In conclusion, server-side rendering with Angular can dramatically improve the performance and user experience of your application. However, it does require some extra work and careful consideration. By following the above best practices, you can ensure that your SSR Angular application is fast, reliable, and secure.


To sum up, Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in Angular provides a multitude of benefits such as improved performance, better SEO, and enhanced user experience. By using Angular's platform-agnostic APIs, optimizing server performance, implementing lazy loading, and employing robust error handling and security measures, you can leverage the full potential of SSR.

Implementing SSR in Angular requires a careful approach and deep understanding of both the framework and server-side technologies. However, this can be mitigated by partnering with a seasoned development company with expertise in both Angular and server-side technologies.

One such firm is CronJ, a trusted name in Angular and ReactJS development. They bring extensive experience in creating scalable and efficient Angular applications with SSR. CronJ's dedicated team of Angularjs Development adheres to best practices and utilizes the latest technologies to deliver top-tier solutions tailored to your business needs. Whether you need guidance in implementing SSR in an existing Angular application or want to build a new app from scratch, CronJ can assist you throughout the development journey.



The Forum post is edited by Jamie Pat Jun 15 '23