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Username did not show [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
ben Jan 17 '13
Hello oxwaller, i need to know how to showing my member username on their profile. already set to "show profile name as username" but username still hidden

The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 5 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I believe, username can not be made visible to other users in their profile. Admin can see that in their profile.
ben Jan 17 '13
you're right, i cant click to set it on profile view.

As admin i need both username and real name to checking reported member.

My member is just ordinary people they doesnt know what is url that contain their username. the best option is showing their username on their profile
The Forum post is edited by ben Jan 17 '13
ben Jan 17 '13
any idea how to showing username on profile?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I believe by editing the database, you can achieve that. But needs more attention when playing with database.
ben Jan 17 '13
any easy way to make it show? :D
Marcel Groote
Marcel Groote Jan 18 '13
I have the same problem for a long time. In a profile the username is not been showing. At signup I put off the option for the realname because of the anonymity I wanna have for the users. But when switch wich has to be showing  in this case the username...only the admins can see it.

How can this been fixed?

cit27 Jan 18 '13
Have u tried to use: OPEN URL-> yoursite. com/admin/questions/index
click edit on the right corner of username tab

then u will see

Tick on profle edit and on profile view
ben Jan 18 '13

Quote from cit27 Have u tried to use: OPEN URL-> yoursite. com/admin/questions/index
click edit on the right corner of username tab

then u will see

Tick on profle edit and on profile view

Yeah, I cant tick on profile view, i guess you too cant tick that cit27
ben Jan 18 '13
I need username because it's the only Uniqeu id
cit27 Jan 18 '13
Yes you are right we cant tick that
But if u want to edit the user profile ..
Tick on User Profile Edit
then go to user profile and edit their username...or if u want to let users can change their user name...

According to SEO it is recommended not to enable the editable username....in related to search engine..(if  YOU set your site page as public view),

By disable can olso avoid the bad user who always change the username and become spammer and
By enable Admin will get a new heavy duty to check the bad users

But I also hope that if the username can be displayed on profile view ..or...hope if the next update can be changed

The Forum post is edited by cit27 Jan 18 '13
ben Jan 18 '13
Yup, that's why Im not going to enable editing username. Is there any way to change any specific file without editing the database
Alia Team
Alia Jan 22 '13

>>As admin i need both username and real name to checking reported member.

I don't really understand why would you need to modify anything.
Users themselves can see their own username when they click "edit my profile"  button.

Admin sees usernames on users' profile page.
ben Jan 22 '13
To search specific member directly i need username because it's the only unique id. that's why i ask my user who want to report other user to include on their report their own username and  other person's username which will be reported.

so my user have to see the others user username. bcoz it's the only unique id.

and username is on the url. I already make tutorial with picture how to get other user username but they still dont get it.
Alia Team
Alia Jan 23 '13
>>that's why i ask my user who want to report other user to include on their report their own username and  other person's username which will be reported.

I think that it will be much easier if:

Let's say user "James" is reporting on user "Jack":
1.ask James to click "edit" on his profile and copy/paste content of the "Username" field.

2. ask James just to send you the URL of the Jack's profile.
Alia Team
Alia Jan 23 '13
P.S. Have you tried using "Flag" feature ?  It allows your site users to "Flag"=report to admin inappropriate content ( like blog posts, pictures, videos and etc.) just by clicking on "Flag" button.
ben Jan 24 '13
allia,,,if you talking to me, to cit27, or to purus i'm sure we all got you. Its different If you talking with ordinary people, old people user by age i mean. they dont understand what you point

before 1.5 version user complain about they dont have send button to sending PM. I told them to hit the PM box to show send button and they still confuse. It's really good you fix this in 1.5

Miguel Feb 15 '13
Hi. Any advances in solving this issue. I also would like the username to be shown (bu not edited!). The tick box does not allow it.
Alia Team
Alia Feb 18 '13
Miguel,  making usernames publicly visible will result in a lot of privacy and security issues. That is why we are not going to make this field visible to everybody.

It is very important to understand here that usernames are visible right now, but only to the profile owner, admin + moderator with admin rights.

>> I also would like the username to be shown (bu not edited!). The tick box does not allow it.

Why would you like to have this field to be shown ( to everybody)?

ben Feb 18 '13
username is on the url, anyone can see it. To search specific member directly you'll need username because it's the only unique id.

P.S. Have you tried using "Flag" feature ?  It allows your site users to "Flag"=report to admin inappropriate content ( like blog posts, pictures, videos and etc.) just by clicking on "Flag" button.

If flag feature available for reporting user profile i dont need username anymore.
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