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How to Deploy Dockerized PHP Application? | Forum

Tomoko Adhami
Tomoko Adhami Jun 29 '23

My dev team is building a PHP applications with association of Laravel framework. Hereof, we are planning to deploy a PHP applications using Docker Composer. My team just got an idea to build and deploy such application by using Dockerfile and benefitting from Back4app Container Platform to host the application.

In this regard, we found a thorough guide here https://blog.back4app.com/how-to-deploy-a-php-application/ application creation, composing Docker file to hosting on Back4app. Withal, it is not only a single way of PHP app deployment. I would also like to know your preferred platforms about deployment of Dockerized PHP applications.

Also, have you ever used Heroku to deploy PHP applications through GitHub? I once utilize its free tier but don't have experience of Heroku for large-scale applications.