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How to Resolve QuickBooks Update Error 15222? | Forum

Alex Nelson
Alex Nelson Jul 7 '23

QuickBooks sometimes has problems downloading payroll updates, known as 15xxx series errors. These issues can happen when Internet Explorer settings are not set up properly. When the update fails, the program might stop working or not even start. QuickBooks Update Error 15222is one specific error that happens when the program can't connect to the internet to download updates. There can be many reasons why this happens and different error messages might show up.

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Peter Groft
Peter Groft Jan 4 '24

Solution 1: Ensure Internet Explorer Settings are Correct

Open Internet Explorer:

Open Internet Explorer, even if it's not your default browser.

Check SSL Settings:

Go to "Tools" > "Internet Options."

Navigate to the "Advanced" tab.

Ensure that "Use SSL 2.0" and "Use SSL 3.0" are checked.

Click "Apply" and then "OK."

Set Internet Explorer as Default Browser:

Make Internet Explorer your default browser.

Update Internet Explorer:

Ensure that your Internet Explorer is updated to the latest version.

Restart QuickBooks:

Close and reopen QuickBooks.

Solution 2: Configure Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Configure Firewall:

Check if your firewall is blocking the QuickBooks update.

Configure your firewall settings to allow QuickBooks connections.

Add exceptions for QuickBooks executables (e.g., qbupdate.exe and qbw32.exe).

Configure Antivirus:

Configure your antivirus software to allow QuickBooks connections.

Add exceptions for QuickBooks executables.


Alex Jones
Alex Jones Oct 9 '24
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