I have a long running plugin update problem and for some reason there seems to be a duplication of the root folder for oxwall.
FTP access is ok its just the directory oxwall is trying to create a test for.
Wed Jan 16 18:24:48 2013 [pid 2] CONNECT: Client ""Wed Jan 16 18:24:49 2013 [pid 1] [user] OK LOGIN: Client ""Wed Jan 16 18:24:49 2013 [pid 3] [user] FAIL MKDIR: Client "", "/var/www/var/www/ow_core/test"
its the duplication of /var/www as /var/www/var/www doesn't exist.
This is with ubuntu 12.04 & vsftp anyone else the same?
The above is from the vsftp log. Been trying for a while but still no response from oxwall?