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Back to Groups Button not working | Forum

Eugenie Jan 20 '13

The back to groups button in edit group mode doesn't work.



Alia Team
Alia Jan 20 '13
Eugenie,  I have tested on my own installation in 'Origin' theme, browser Firefox and this button is working. Can I have your site URL and username/password I can use to reach the "Edit Group" page to check why it is not working on your site?
Eugenie Jan 21 '13
Hi Aliia, 

Site is http://www.thelondonscreenwritersclub.com - username: eugenie / password: password.  

I have created a private group for the purpose of this test which is in "my groups".



Alia Team
Alia Jan 22 '13
Eugenie, TinyMCE javascript editor might be casing this.
On the "Edit groups" page following error is visible in Firebug:

TypeError: $("textarea[name=description]").tinymce() is undefined


Try fixing this error first or disabling this plugin. If even after this, "Back to groups" button will not be working, let me know.
Eugenie Jan 22 '13
Hi Aliia,

De plugin is deactivated.  I've tried to uninstall it and I can't.  I get a message that there was an error.

Is there another way of uninstalling it?



Unique Jan 22 '13

Quote from Eugenie

Is there another way of uninstalling it?

me too....I get a message that there was an error
Alia Team
Alia Jan 23 '13
Eugenie, Unique.

When the plugin is deactivated, does the "Back to groups" button start working?
If not, try cleaning your browser cache and checking once more.
No need to uninstall the plugin.

If the issue is still there, even with the deactivated plugin, then it must have been caused by something else.

Regarding issue with uninstalling plugin, you will need to contact plugin developer.

Eugenie Jan 23 '13

The plugin was deactivated all along.  Button still not working.

Alia Team
Alia Jan 29 '13
Eugenie, I can not see that the plugin was deactivated. The error in Firebug is still the same and the WYSIWYG Editor is still not the original Oxwall one.