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UPDATEs tamper with themes | Forum

Tester Jan 21 '13
I am using the theme Spring. I had spent days customizing it.

Yesterday, I saw a Blog Update at admin and did the updating. The result: my modified style sheet was replaced by the original Spring style sheet. And the look of my site became that of the original Spring theme.

I had a copy of my customized Spring theme kept in another folder. I copied it to ox-theme>spring but there was no change.

At Joomla you can use a modified template as another template. You copy theme-1 to theme-2, modify it, and change the Name in the XML file to theme-2. It will be regarded as a different template. I tried it with the spring theme, but it doesn't work.

The Forum post is edited by Tester Jan 21 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam
During updates, the themes and other files might be overridden.
Unique Jan 21 '13
enable dev mode
Tester Mar 6 '13
Unique would enabling dev mode while customising the Base style sheet really stop my problem?
Alia Team
Alia Mar 6 '13
Unique suggested to enable DEV mode to fix this issue "I had a copy of my customized Spring theme kept in another folder. I copied it to ox-theme>spring but there was no change.". If you enable DEV mode, changed done in .html files will be applied right away.

This however will not solve the problem that theme changes are erased by update.

Oxwall works mainly via Plugins. So we don't have one folder with all theme templates. Each plugin comes with it's own templates for certain pages. So updating the plugin results, in updating the templates related to this plugin.

The only option is to update the plugin>>changes will erased>> then you need to compare your old themes with updated one and merge changes ( transfer custom changes to updated version).

Tester Mar 6 '13
Aliia, thanks for providing the total picture.

I have never changed the DEV_MOD but, on my installation, but changes are applied right away. I have already recustomized Spring several times, and so now I can easily put my finger on the lines to be edited.

By the way, I have posted a bit of coding to automatically add MORE to blogs. Purusothaman Ramanujam informs me that the code-change will go away after an updating. So I request you to incorporate it in your next update.