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Help! Email not working at all! | Forum

Sebastian Jan 22 '13
Help! I'm just successfully installed the new oxwall 1.5.1 after upgrade from previous version of oxwall 1.4.1

All feature and function all run nicely but I'm realized my site won't send any email at all (Verfication Email, Notification, Mass Email, Forgot Password).

I didn't have this issue before (in oxwall 1.4.1). But now I have tried everything I found on google but none of them are work for me!

I kinda desperate right now. Please anybody can tell me if I did wrong so my site can send email?

*Sorry if my english is bad.

NB : In mass email, forgot password, verification, notification, it's says that email was sent. But I wait for many hours but the email still not came up.

P.S : Contact Us Plugin is not function too! It's seems my site won't send any email at all...

My site : http://hooligansedes.hol.es

The Forum post is edited by Sebastian Jan 22 '13
Sebastian Jan 23 '13
--2013-01-23 12:19:25--  http://www.hooligansedes.hol.es/ow_cron/run.php
Resolving www.hooligansedes.hol.es...
Connecting to www.hooligansedes.hol.es||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 0 [text/html]
Saving to: `run.php'

     0K                                                        0.00 =0s

2013-01-23 12:19:27 (0.00 B/s) - `run.php' saved [0/0]

Still no email at all :(

P.S : My hosting doesn't support this command
wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.yoursite.com/ow_cron/run.php

The Forum post is edited by Sebastian Jan 23 '13
Sebastian Jan 23 '13
I think so...

I'm also already tried to input this line :

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/your-site-root-dir/public_html/ow_cron/run.php

in the run.php after seeing tutorials from Youtube

Which worked well for me in the version 1.4.1 but not now... :(

The Forum post is edited by Sebastian Jan 23 '13
Sebastian Jan 23 '13
Sure :) I'll send you PM right away.

I'll be very grateful if you can help me and find the mistake...
David A
David A Jan 24 '13
I am having the same problem. Though I am not sure I have e-mail set up, as I just installed it, and think i entered in the imap e-mail settings correctly. Does the imap e-mail setting have to be from the same doman as is hosting the oxwall?
George Alex
George Alex Jan 27 '13
Paul, help needed here too: no mails send whatsoever. And people started flooding in, I started advertising the site. 
Sebastian Jan 27 '13

I finally tried to reload my account and reinstall Oxwall. After that, verification and forgot password email all working. But, there's still a problem. Mass email and invite user by admin still not work yet.

I though that was cron job problem. So I manually input http://hooligansedes.hol.es/ow_cron/run.php on my address bar and the email was delivered :)

So, I think my problem now is the cron job. I think I setup the cron job correctly using local php command, but it won't work :(

So, can anybody help me to setup cron job correctly?

And, I don't mind if I should run cron job every time I send mass email or invite someone.
But I also wonder about what would happen if the cron job does not work automatically.
The Forum post is edited by Sebastian Jan 27 '13
Michael I.
Michael I. Jan 30 '13
Did you try running Cron manually via SSH? What was the command's output?