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Can't fix cron - need suggesstions | Forum

Richard Carr
Richard Carr Jan 23 '13
Hello folks. It seems my cron has stopped working for some reason about 2 days ago as people are staying 'online' etc...I have tried deleting the cron command and implementing a new one. I am with justhost so it only allows it to run every 15 mins and i am getting an e-mail etc.. but yet peoples online status is not changing...

cron command is  /usr/local/bin/php /home/....../public_html/ow_cron/run.php


OW Developer
OW Developer Jan 23 '13
pm me and i will fix it for you.

Richard Carr
Richard Carr Jan 25 '13
Ok Folks - I was onto justhost who said there is nothing wrong with my cron command, except our website is reaching over the max of messages sending out per hour [On a basic account you can send out 750 per hour - we have over 2,000 members and have cron set to run every 15 mins] They said if I changed my cron to send out under 750 per hour and wait a while to send out again this would solve our problem - But i dont know how to do this]

Does anyone know how to do this? To try and solve the problem i made the cron run every 30mins but no luck.

However I think there is another underlying problem as user online status is staying online etc..

Any ideas or suggestions

Richard Carr
Richard Carr Jan 26 '13
Could someone have a look at my run.php file and let me know if they can see anything wrong that would stop my cron working....
  run.php.docx (15.72Kb)
Unique Jan 26 '13

Quote from Richard Carr Could someone have a look at my run.php file and let me know if they can see anything wrong that would stop my cron working....

Quote from OW Developer pm me and i will fix it for you.

George Alex
George Alex Jan 26 '13
I also have a problem with my mails: no mail is ever sent. Who can help PLS???

Richard Carr
Richard Carr Jan 26 '13
I have been onto justhost - who cannot see any reason for my cron not to be working correctly and are suggesting its a coding error in oxwall code - but wouldn't a lot of you then be experiencing this problem?
Alia Team
Alia Jan 29 '13
Richard, have you replaced the path in  "/home/....../public_html/ow_cron/run.php" by "..." in purpose?

If this was done on purpose:
- check with your hosting company how it is setting limits to sending out of emails.
If they have set them so that CRON stops working when the limit is reached, then your problems can only solved if the limit is increased ( or  by moving to another server).

- enable DEBUG_MODE  and run cron command manually via SSH to see whether there are any fatal errors.

Alia Team
Alia Jan 29 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Richard Carr
Richard Carr Feb 1 '13
Ok folks thanks for all the help i have got it working for the moment by configuring the SMTP settings via admin panel...

and the cron command as follows:

/usr/local/bin/php /home4/USERNAME/public_html/ow_cron/run.php