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Open Source a mobile plugin for Smartphone Apps | Forum

Glenn Jan 24 '13
Provided someone with full rights to a working mobile plugin for oxwall that are willing to release it free and open source it, I'll release my dirty little secret to turning mobile sites into Android Apps.

Honestly I'm highly doubting anyone would do so (release their plugin for free) because they're likely a profiteering gluten wanting to make a buck off it, but figured it'd be worth a shot.

I just wish Oxwall was creative commons - share alike, would make this tons easier and quicker and benefit the community here as a whole a lot better.  As such were the case, I'd just release my generator into the wild without thinking twice about it.

Michael I.
Michael I. Jan 28 '13
Topic was moved from Custom Code Modifications.
Alicia Nov 3 '23
This is a game-changer! Open sourcing a mobile plugin for smartphone apps is a major leap forward in the world of app development. It not only promotes collaboration and innovation but also empowers developers to create even more powerful and feature-rich applications. For any app development company looking to stay at the forefront of technology, this is a golden opportunity. Kudos to the team behind this initiative for pushing the boundaries of mobile development.
donaldsdf Nov 6 '23
Well, if you are interested in this theme then it seems to me that you may have a glance at this source right there that is called marth makes an appearance and I just hope that it will be useful for you as probably you will be able to learn something new for yourself. Good luck with that.