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New Plugins needed for an adult dating network! | Forum

Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 1 '13
To all developers, I have recently set up an adult dating website and I am looking for new plugins to make my dating website stand out, so if you have any ideas or have already developed such plugins, I am willing to pay for them!

Kind regards


MDB Dating

Pete Feb 2 '13
love the group with all the adult vids you have on your website.very nice .Be good if you could get an auto adult vid poster mod lol 
The Forum post is edited by Pete Feb 2 '13
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 2 '13
Hey Peter fill me in? What's one of those? Yes check out all the Porn movies at http://www.mydiarybook.co.uk it's totally Free :-)
Pete Feb 3 '13
There is a mod to post youtube vids in the store ,so i think that it would be quite easy to do a mod to post pornhub vids
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 3 '13
so should I buy it then Pete?
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Quote from Pete so i think that it would be quite easy to do a mod to post pornhub vids

That would be possibe if that have a API.
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 3 '13
well if it will work I would buy it
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Try out the demo for youtube auto post.
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 3 '13
ok I will give it a go thank you Puruso.
Pete Feb 3 '13
only problem is Stan it would post on the same part as your music vids
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 3 '13
No that would be no good really but that you for the thought mate
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 4 '13
Hi Peter I purchased that liquid mobile plugin, but when I tried to upload it it said cannot extract plugin, so I uploaded it using FTP and then I extracted it but nothing is showing up mate?
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 4 '13
it really boils my blood when people release plugins that are not fully ready to sell on Oxwall to website owners, obviously there is something wrong with this mobile release, apparently you cannot even send messages on it!
Purusothaman Ramanujam
that might be a corrupted download.

Liquid mobile is not a plugin and its a theme I believe. so try to upload in the theme directory.
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 4 '13
Thanks for the update Puruso, do you know if I will be able to change the theme to that of my website?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I could not understand. Sorry. you might need to contact the theme designer if you have questions on that theme.
Den Team
Den Feb 10 '13

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