I received a report from Google telling me I have duplicate meta tags ....and that is why my site is not indexing correctly with Google ......
so I looked at every Page - the code puts 4 tags in the opening of all codes:
<title>Real Sensations - social networking</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="openwack, free software, open source software, community software, open source community software, free community software, open source social networking software, free social networking software, php, mysql"/>
<meta name="description" content="Real Sensations community"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="en"/>
<Meta name="Author" content="RealSensations.com">
<Meta name="Publisher" content="RealSensations.com">
<Meta name="Copyright" content="January 2013">
<Meta name="Revisit-After" content="1 days">
<Meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" content="no-expire">
<Meta name="Keywords" content="Online Dating, Dating, Dating Site, Singles Site, Online Dating, real sensations, social network, realsensations.com">
<Meta name="Description" content="Real Sensations Social Network - Online Dating - The fastest growing Networking site for singles.">
<Meta name="Pagetopic" content="People">
<Meta name="Pagetype" content="HTML-Formular">
<Meta name="Audience" content="All">
<Meta name="Robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW">
<Meta name="Content-Language" content="English">
The bolded code is overwritting our customized tags we write on our admin panels - the spiders and bots use one and only one of each tag ........ this causes indexing problems through the search engines .... and needs to be corrected.....