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Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: OW_ErrorManager::exceptionHandler(): Argument #1 ($e) must be of type Exception, | Forum

Lokojef Mídias
Lokojef Mídias Sep 24 '23
I have an 500 error message than I debugged and find out this message "Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: OW_ErrorManager::exceptionHandler(): Argument #1 ($e) must be of type Exception, Error given in /home/vol8_7/epizy.com/epiz_33181482/htdocs/ow_core/error_manager.php:235 

I am using Oxwall on a free hosting (Infinity Free) and my website was working normally untill 5 days ago. It seems that the server has been updated to PHP 8.0 and so many websites now is not loading and receiving a 500 error message. In my case the message above is error message after I debugged.

The file is error_manager.php on ow_core folder

Does anyone have an idea of how to fix it?

The Forum post is edited by Lokojef Mídias Sep 24 '23
Post Minder
Post Minder Oct 9
Là Fuori is a reflection of the love for travel, sustainability, and the finer things in life, gathering 'nomadic creatives' to uplift and preserve the traditions of artisans worldwide. La Fuori