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Please test your mods proper | Forum

Pete Feb 6 '13
Members that or building these mods would you please try them with all othere mods at the same time to make sure your mods work with all othere mods ,its no good fetching out mods if thy mess up some othere mods and make a mess of a members website . If your mods do not work proper then you should offer a full refund.
The Forum post is edited by Pete Feb 6 '13
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Feb 6 '13
I totally agree with you there Peter, far too often developers are in to much of a rush to put them out there and it is us who suffer when the mods mess up!
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Lack of quality control by Oxwall. Nothing should go into the store for sale that has not been thoroughly tested. If the mods are offered free first lets say a lite version of plugin for testing by clients maybe that would be the answer to this very obvious problem.

There really has to be a solution to this very nagging problem!

SL Feb 8 '13
You should to use the review tool of the plugin ...so oxwall team and other users are going to know if the plugin is good or bad. But i Aggree with the title: Please test your mods proper   (GTranslated)
The Forum post is edited by SL Feb 8 '13
Den Team
Den Feb 10 '13
Preventing the releases of buggy and unstable items in Oxwall store - this is the major responsibility of moderation team. Oxwall Store can't be responsible for the amount of bugs in each item. But we can control and increase the items' quality.

Moderation team do the best to found bugs and issues during the tests. But, it's quite impossible to install ALL plugins on the same test environment and catch ALL possible bugs. 

That's why any user is allowed to submit a request into support area of item he purchased/downloaded. This is a community's store. And every member is allowed to contribute the project in his best manner:

- developers with useful items;

- customers with reasonable and valued feedback, bug reporting;

- team with controlling following the rules and increasing the quality;

Together, we'll build the best community soft in the world!


The Forum post is edited by Den Feb 10 '13
Pete Feb 10 '13

oxwall should test these mods out with all othere mods before thy or allowed to be sold in the store.it is oxwall responsiblity at the end of the day for not making sure that these mods or compat with all othere mods .If any mod gets more than two bad revews ,then oxwall should remove them out of the store.

The Forum post is edited by Pete Feb 10 '13
Pete Feb 10 '13
Why does oxwall not put the report button mod on this website then members can report bad mods ,etc,so oxwall can take achion alot faster than leaving bad mods in the shop for months
The Forum post is edited by Pete Feb 10 '13