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slow site | Forum

mahony mahony
mahony mahony Feb 6 '13

please, I got really good server (no shared). Right now site works really fast. BUt when there is higher trafic than usual site starts to slow down and then is down totally. This is happening with 125 users on site in the moment. It is not big number. Programators told me that server can handle even 1000 users. Please, can you give me advice, why my site goes down even I have good server and 125 users in the moment is not so big number...

Thank you
cit27 Feb 6 '13
There are many possible causes:
->All Users Using chat plugin in the same time
->Big Image/Banner file of Advertising Plugin-> or you created/displayed many banner placement to rotate the banners
many uploaded file: ex: music, video, etc
Many activated heavy plugins
attempts/crawl -> 1 hacker crawl is Similar to 125 users may even be more burdensome server->Bot/User Agent attempts/crawl->Crawl hundreds of very bad bots that browse the site makes servers become more severe as compared to 125 users
The Forum post is edited by cit27 Feb 6 '13