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What Graphics Card is in the Xbox Series X? Seeking Expert Insights | Forum

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Adecer Sderfe
Adecer Sderfe Oct 8 '23

Hey everyone,

I've been pondering the technical prowess of the Xbox Series X lately and got curious about the graphics card it houses. I know it's a custom AMD chip, but I'm looking for some expert insights on the specifics. Can anyone shed some light on the GPU architecture, clock speeds, and other crucial details that make the Xbox Series X a gaming powerhouse?

I've heard it's based on RDNA 2 architecture, but I'd love to delve deeper into the specifics. Understanding the GPU in our consoles can help us appreciate the graphical marvels it's capable of delivering. 

Adecer Sderfe
Adecer Sderfe Oct 8 '23
Although, some of my fellows suggested me this site https://graphicmags.com/ to take help but I would also love to hear from you guys. Thanks in advance!