You can find Blue Spot Whiskey in several stores around the country.
- Whiskey bars: Look for a bar that has a good selection of whiskeys. You’ll have to ask the bartender if they have any, but they may be able to order it in for you.
- Specialty liquor stores: If there’s not a whiskey bar near you and you don’t want to wait around for someone else to buy some Blue Spot Whiskey and share with you, then this is your best bet! These kinds of stores tend to carry more exotic brands than regular supermarkets do–and often at lower prices as well! Also consider checking out local breweries or small wineries; they might have some bottles lying around (or even make their own version).
- Online outlets: You could also just order yourself some online if none of these options work out for whatever reason–but remember that shipping costs money too!
- Blue Spot Whiskey is made in Ireland.
- The name comes from a blue spot on the label of the bottle, which indicates that it’s been aged for at least four years.
- It’s popular in Germany and many other countries around the world.