Hi Leo,
Thank you for taking the time to join this. I appreciate it :)
I don't want to be long-winded here but a quick background: I am using oxwall for family only. Family members easily confused ha ha ha. So I hide dashboard from them. I only use "Main" page.
But alas, I find I want "Quick Links" from dashboard to be on main page. Like a user widget. Like a personal, navigation box. So, from main page, user can click on "My Photos," "My Blogs," "My Links." etc.
So I guess we are currently discussing how I might use the widget for Main page which allows html. I could possibly paste the code from dashboard quick links into the available html widget for Main page and then simply drag the widget down, when customizing Main page.
This method actually works for "user-profile" and "blogs/my-published-posts."
So I thought maybe I could get it to work for photos, links, etc.
I've tried things such as "user-photos" and "my-photos" in my links. No such luck.
I'm either over-simplifying or under-simplifying when I think: "if those, user, 'quick links' can be placed on a dashboard page, how can they not be placed on the main page."
But I'm new here and new to oxwall and right now the answer seems to be in developing my own widget and I'm way, way, way far away from that, if ever I could accomplish coding something like that, from the ground up by myself.
Does this make sense? My 65 year-old dad would be confused if he had a Main page AND a Dashboard that looks almost identical to Main Page.
At the same time, he would be less confused if he had a link to find his own blogs, which otherwise appear to be mixed in with all the blog entries (to him, anyway).
I can't drag quick links to main page and I can't drag "recent photos" block to dashboard.
So I'm in a conundrum :)
When this first started, I thought it would be "easy." I know coding isn't easy or everyone would be a coder. I just thought this particular desire would be easier on me, I guess.
But the more I get used to oxwall - the more I'm thinking I should just say "Dad, just click on your profile, your profile page will show you, your own entries."
Oxwall is completely awesome. I've just discovered it. I'm probably too excited and I'm putting my cart ahead of my horse. But because I've been hacking away at phpBB forums for years, in my head I'm like "HEY why can't I do this?!" I need to spend some time researching templates and widgets.