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Cannot upload any image | Forum

Teddy Feb 13 '13
Hi everyone,

I am frustrated trying to upload images on my site: http://community.edbamoeba.sg/

So everything is working fine. I can "Choose File", but after I upload, nothing happens. When I click "Upload" or "Save", the page simply refreshes, no message notice of successful or failed upload. Just nothing happens.

Can anyone help?

Alia Team
Alia Feb 14 '13
Teddy, from what I can see the image just doesn't get uploaded to server ( http://community.edbamoeba.sg/ow_userfiles/plugins/photo/photo_preview_1.jpg  - gives PAGE NOT FOUND).

Possible reasons:

1. Check whether you have "photo" folder  under
2. If this folder exists, check whether there are any photos saved there.
3. Make sure that you have set 777 permissions for /ow_userfiles/ folder recursively.

Teddy Feb 14 '13
Hi Aliia,

1. Yes I have a photo folder
2. There are no photos saved
3. I have set 777 permissions but to no avail.

Please help!
Teddy Feb 14 '13
Hi Aliia,

1. Yes I have a photo folder
2. There are no photos saved
3. I have set 777 permissions but to no avail.

Please help!
Alia Team
Alia Feb 18 '13
Teddy, try enabling DEBUG mode and uploading the photo once more.
Any errors?

Also, check the error log on your server.

matthew a
matthew a Jan 12 '14

Hello I have a question I am running oxwall 1.6, and some how I have lost my simple upload page, it says

Sorry, this document doesn't exist.

Alia Team
Alia Jan 13 '14
Matthew, did you update to 1.6? If yes, did you update "Photo" plugin as well?
matthew a
matthew a Jan 13 '14
this is a new install of 1.6, I did not do a update from 1.5.3, what is happening here is I can upload picture one by one, but when I try to go and use Simple upload it take me to a page that is not found, and if I use debugging mode and try to click simple upload it just take me to the same page not found, here is a screen shot 
  simple pic 1.jpg (30.11Kb)
  simple pic 2 .jpg (21.66Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Jan 13 '14

1. ow_plugins/photo/plugin.xml. What is the build number you have there?
2. can you provide your site URL?
matthew a
matthew a Jan 14 '14
I have build 7000
matthew a
matthew a Jan 14 '14
I have another question for you, you know, invite friends on dashboard right? will google does allow oxwall to invite friends with this plugin any more right? how to remove google icon from invite friend.