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Charity In Need Of Plugins | Forum

Bambie Murphy
Bambie Murphy Feb 15 '13
Hi every one, 

I run a new charity started this year named Liverpool Reptile Rescue, but as a charity that has just started and we have limited funds we are looking for some developers to donate a plugin or two. We are in need of a shop and payments plugin. 

If you think you can do this please let me know. If you would like to chat direct to me via Liverpool Reptile Rescue please email bambiemurphy@liverpoolreptilerescue.org.uk


Bambie Murphy

Pete Feb 15 '13

Hi Bambie


You have done a great job with your website ,my advice to you would be to look at the mods you need and send a message to the owner.


good luck with your website.

The Forum post is edited by Pete Feb 15 '13
Bambie Murphy
Bambie Murphy Feb 16 '13
Hi Liam,

I have messaged you. 

Bambie Murphy

Den Team
Den Feb 16 '13
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
Bambie Murphy
Bambie Murphy Feb 17 '13

Sorry I thought after posting i might have posted in the wrong form after I posted. 

Bambie Murphy

Bambie Murphy
Bambie Murphy Feb 17 '13
Hi Pete,

Thanks a lot for the comments. I have tried contacting some and had no reply's. I would not normally ask for free plugins. But as they are only 3 plugins we really need and we are a charity we expand all parts of the charity with donations from others.  

It's a challenge but were getting there. Only problem is if we can not get the plugins we need to adapt the site for the charity we might have to go over too boonex dolphin. I personally use boonex dolphin for most of my sites and clients.  



Purusothaman Ramanujam

Quote from Liam Hey Bambie,

I have a about 6 plugins I've been working on for the past 2 or 3 weeks. If you want those, just ask! :) Good luck!

Don't trust this guy.
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Feb 19 '13
In my personal opinon. you will spend alot more on boonex! I think you should add a link asking for donations to update features. You dont really need a plugin for something like this. you can have the member email you and then exchange paypal details! 
Pete Feb 20 '13

Hi Bambie,


You should add something like how did you find us on your join page like i did ,its stops the bots from joining http://dadpeter.co.uk/join


I would remove all them bot members off your website as thy look a mess ,and add lots of members yourself instead .You need to add more content to your forum,the more content you can add the better,if you do not have much content,people will not join .I like how you have done your website ,it looks good .


Which page did you edit to add your green logo ?

The Forum post is edited by Pete Feb 20 '13
Pete Feb 20 '13

Quote from Purusothaman Ramanujam

Quote from Liam
Hey Bambie,

I have a about 6 plugins I've been working on for the past 2 or 3 weeks. If you want those, just ask! :) Good luck!

Don't trust this guy.

Why should we not trust this guy ?