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Where is My Topic: Oxwall Directory | Forum

Unique Feb 16 '13
To Oxwall Team

I made a topic in this category (GENERAL CHAT) with the title: Oxwall Directory info about small directory that I created specifically FOR oxwall users...

But when I checked today, I did not find the topic again here ....
My Qustion are:
->Is oxwall team has deleted the topic? If YES let me know what`s wrong...so I would not make the same kind of subject..
If the answer is NO, then maybe I'd accidentally delete it (but I sure did not delete it)

Thank You
The Forum post is edited by Den Feb 17 '13
Den Team
Den Feb 17 '13

Yes, the topic has been deleted by team due to the following reasons: 
- It was detected as a spam attempt. As the forum is not the right place for links exchange;

- the domain oxwall.zz.mu violates our domain policy ;

The Forum post is edited by Den Feb 17 '13
Unique Feb 17 '13
Sorry if I misunderstood the intent of the General Chat of Community Exchange and the Oxwall Domain Policy

->Aboout Link Exchange
I did not
intend for the purpose of link exchange in this category but just wanted to give oxwall user My free support and my contribution (etc)

->About Domain Policy
Quote From domain policy Feb 18 2013
The use of “oxwall” in subdomains is allowed.

USE: ow-community.com, owplugins.ca, ox-users.de, oxwall.mycompany.com, etc.
DO NOT USE: oxwall.com, oxwallcommunity.tv, etc. 

oxwall.zz.mu not use the top level domain but just using a free subdomain from one of hosting provider that I found-> (idhostinger.com)

but I even found some other users using oxwallxxxxx.com (violates your domain policy)

-> Furthermore, if you think oxwall.zz.mu violated Oxwall Domain Policy and asked me to remove oxwall.zz.mu from online then I will immediately remove it

-> If oxwall.zz.mu allowed then I will develop this site as my free contribution to all oxwall users

The Forum post is edited by Unique Feb 17 '13