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End of an Era Google Analytics Will Be No More | Forum

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Brian Bennett
Brian Bennett Nov 20 '23
Google Analytics as we know it will be going away as of July 1, 2023, and all of your site data will be removed six months after that date:


Google suggests you move to "Google Analytics 4" aka “GA4”, but don't be fooled — "GA4" is an entirely different metric tool that bears little resemblance to the GA you know. It's not a viable alternative and I believe its metrics will be useless for most people here.


Alex Nov 20 '23
That's something I wasn't expecting. I'm not a massive user but those metrics have proved very useful on a number of occasions.
Rylee Davenport
Rylee Davenport Nov 20 '23
Hey, I saw the news about Google Analytics changing. It's a big shift, and I get how it might feel uncertain. But change can bring new opportunities! I found this source https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1012747034939227249/ that talks about other analytics options. Maybe it could help navigate this transition.