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Too much Mail | Forum

Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Feb 19 '13
Hello my website is sending too much email to my users and resulted my hosting account to be temporary suspended along with my website.

Here's what they said:
  The account is currently under suspended status due to spam/mass mails going from your account and that is causing our server IP to be blocked in email black lists and affecting all the users in the server.

Subject: We miss you Eduard F. Dela Cruz
auth_id:  support@rqdc.net

The cronjob is Running every 10 or 15 mins .

How can i fix this?

Alia Team
Alia Feb 20 '13
Ronnel are you indeed sending spam/mass mails often from your site?

Nothing Oxwall can do in this situation.

Worth trying to find out which criteria your hosting company uses to detect that account was spamming. For example, do they have limits for the amount of emails sent per hour?
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Feb 20 '13
yes they limits of 300mails/hour. and my oxwall site sends too much email.

for example oxwall will send a notice of unactiveness at 6:41pm and then it sends again at 6:42pm. too much mail. why is it repeating?
Tester Feb 20 '13
Ronnel Dela Cruz: Tell the hosting company what happens is not intentional, and request them to do the necessary at their end.