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Anybody renamed a plugin and installed it twice ? | Forum

Pete Feb 20 '13
I was thinking about renaming the video plugin and Editing all the files ,from video to videos,so then could have one for music and one for just normal vids,has anybody else managed to do this ?
Leana S
Leana S Feb 20 '13
I think this should required code modifications and creating additional DB, but, of course, possible
Pete Feb 20 '13
I thought if you rename the mod ,it would become a brand new mod ,so you would not have any problems with the db, and i thought that the only code modification would be to also rename all the video in the pages of the mod to videos.I am probabley wrong.
The Forum post is edited by Pete Feb 20 '13
Pete Feb 20 '13
But there again the simple  solution would be for Oxwall to add Categories to this plugin ,music,films,etc
The Forum post is edited by Pete Feb 20 '13
Leana S
Leana S Feb 20 '13
Yes, Pete, appreciated your idea +1Like it
cit27 Feb 23 '13
I tried rename the other plugin ,,,,,but better if you pay the developer as Eddie said:
not tiring you and the plugin ready to use